Congressional cronies, called to combat electronic evil, certified a cyberbullying bill which is now ready to be ratified by the remaining representatives.
Packed with powerful penalties, this proposal promises to punish perpetrators who pummel people with profane posts.

PC punks who plan on propagating pestering provocations face ferocious fines and a prolonged prison presence with the passage of this precept.
“Torturous tormenting of terrified teens is troubling” Legislator Lynn Leeson laments, “hopefully this powerfully punitive proposal significantly slows the suffering sustained by our civil society.”

“I can now calmly consider computer content” says Louey Laptopp, ” without worrying about getting walloped on the world wide web.”
“Posting pictures of my pet pussycat Petey” Louey continues, “promises to be a pleasant project performed without peril, now that this proposition has passed.”

Carol Conners