The calm coastal constraints of Cozumel were riotously ravaged recently by a raging rockfest of raunchy revelers.
Musical maniacs mangled immaculately maintained marine monoliths while playing pragmatically poetic pieces to their fantastically fanatical fish followers.

“I am customarily a composed creature” cries Kyle Krustacian, “but this crushing commotion is causing me to coalesce into a condition of continued crabbiness.”
“Can’t our communities coexist without an incorrigibly corrupt crowd of crazies causing chaotic complications?”

“Our underwater environment always elevated our enthusiastic elation” says Sarah Starr, “but now this tumultuous turmoil has us atoll tenants tending to terrified trepidation.”
“Is raucous recreation really a requisite for revelry” Sarah queries, “if it releases wreckage to the reefs where we reside?”
“We should keep this carousing congregation of criminally clamorous kids out of our quiet kelp!”

Ed Eggers