Mar 27, 2021 | Accidents, Ken Korns

A recently married Minnesota couple encountered a catastrophic calamity while frequenting the Fillmore County Fair.

According to official records, the Rockin’ Robbie Roller Coaster suddenly started rushing repetitively without respite, which relentlessly rattled the runaway riders.

Robert & Rebecca Rodeanhour stayed stuck on the supercharged spinner for a staggering sixty minutes while their steady screaming filled the festival fields with fear.

Authorities eventually ended the erratic event by cutting the current that was causing the carnival car chaos.

The horrific hour of high speed hustle had the newlyweds wanting to hurl.

“We have never known such sickness” reports Robert, “and usually relish rolling recreational revelry without irritation.”

In an terrific turn of events, entertainment executive Kev Karney treats the tired twosome to a top-notch trophy tailor-made for today’s traumatic tribulations.

“Those two set an all-time record for ride revolutions” Kev comments, “the least we can do is acknowledge their accomplishment by awarding an appropriate accolade.”

Report by:
Ken Korns