Exciting News! The Homeless Employment Labor Program (HELP) is launching a pilot project providing the penniless with a plethora of produce to peddle.
Normally consisting on the kind contributions of caring citizens, this grocery gamut is guaranteed to give guys and gals genuine gains without getting gouged.

“I eagerly enjoy edibles at every intersection” Paul Payer says, “and it is fantastic to find out that fresh food is funding those who have falling finances.”
“Buying nutritious natural nourishment from the needy” Paul continues, “is a wonderful way we can willingly share wealth with those workers who are wanting.”

“The community is clearly consuming cleaner cuisine” remarks Judy Joggins, “now that the down-and-outers have opted to offer additional organic options.”
“The transients have transformed our town into a tasty territory” Judy continues, “and terrific tidbits can be tried at every turn.”
“I am glad the public is patronizing their places of business and hope our periodic purchases are profitable for these impoverished people.”
“They will no doubt prosper precipitously while providing important provisions the population prefers.”

Ed Eggers